Ms. Lily, you have a new prescription today. This medicine that you inhale suppresses inflammation of the respiratory tract and controls asthma symptoms. Do you know how to use it? リリーさん、今日は新しいお薬が出ています。この吸入薬は、気道の炎症を抑えて喘息の症状を抑制します。使い方はわかりますか?
患者 patient
No, I don’t. Please tell me how to use it. いいえ、教えてください。
薬剤師 pharmacist
Hold the cover with one hand, turn the main unit with the other hand until it clicks, and open it. Then exhale gently, add the mouthpiece, and inhale strongly and deeply. Hold your breath for 3 to 4 seconds, and then exhale slowly. After you start breathing normally again, close the main unit until it clicks.